01:18:38 Janet Minke: Is there a handout for this session? 01:20:53 Tony Hanson: No handout for Curt's presentation. Emily's slides will be available on our website. 01:45:50 Lela Goar: We have our woman in our club that conducted a writing exercise with us on telling our stories. It is exactly what Curt is talking about and I admire her so much. Yes, she was a public school teacher, but her students never lacked for being able to write a theme or story for her because of the way she went about teaching how to write. 01:46:58 Pacquitta Laverents - WHAGS: Reacted to "We have our woman in..." with 👍 01:47:34 Marilyn Meador: Reacted to "We have our woman in..." with 👍 01:48:23 Lela Goar: I totally agree with Curt, because even listening to our local members, they are so worried about someone it their family carrying on the research they have done. The stories that have been written about my family are so very interesting and really will be carried on more so than all the research that we have done on who are ancestors are. There has to be an engagement in the bridging or research and sharing stories. 01:48:37 Susan Ball: Outstanding! Thanks, Curt!! 01:48:41 Marilyn Meador: Could we have contact info or email for Curt Witcher? 01:49:05 Lela Goar: Thank you Curt for pointing out the importance of telling the story. 01:49:16 Linda Jonas: Absolutely spectacular. I couldn't agree more. 01:49:41 Curt Witcher: CWitcher@ACPL.info 01:49:54 Isolda-Mimi Quintero-Central TX Genealogical Society: thank you! 01:50:24 Karen Rasmussen: Thank you, lots to think about. Hoping we can move our society towards these directions. 01:50:36 Kitty Olson: What type of programs do you recommend for societies to schedule that address the core points of your presentation? 01:50:49 Paula Perkins: This information is so important! Just heard from a distant cousin this am about our family history. I have stories for her. Thank you Curt! You always inspire me! 01:51:32 Karen Rasmussen: It seems like our society newsletter would be an ideal place for members to share a story, right? 01:51:47 Beth Leggieri: Please address the part that oral history training applies to the scope of your message this morning. 01:52:05 Tony Hanson: Absolutely - your newsletter is a great place to publish what your members write. 01:53:20 Barbara Phillips: I provided a program to WCGS in April on "A Simple Way to Write Your Family Stories" . It was followed up with a workship to actually do some writing. I am presenting it again to Sun City in September! 01:53:40 Susan Grumboski: Maybe we should focus more on working on our mission statement and follow thru with it. 02:00:05 Barbara Coakley: I'm part of the GFO group and it is great. 02:01:02 Curt Witcher: Writing leader--I like that a lot! 02:05:43 Pacquitta Laverents - WHAGS: Reacted to "I provided a program..." with 👍 02:06:18 Susan Ball: What does GFO stand for? I didn’t catch that. 02:07:00 Curt Witcher: I like the word and concept of rhythm ... 02:09:17 Mary Bullard: GFO is Genealogical Forum of Oregon 02:16:56 Susan Ball: Teach them how to use cite-builder.com 02:25:23 Paula Perkins: Emily great information. We all need to write stories on our families. Thank you! 02:26:18 Paula Perkins: Beth cool idea! 02:31:24 Debbie Pearson: TED Talk lady's name again, Curt? 02:31:38 Tony Hanson: UNT - University of North Texas 02:31:41 Curt Witcher: Tips for a good conversation: https://www.dailygood.org/story/1268/10-ways-to-have-a-better-conversation-ted-com/ 02:31:53 Debbie Pearson: Thank YOU! 02:31:58 Kitty Olson: Emily, perhaps you should write an article on your approach with your society! 02:32:08 Paula Perkins: Thanks Curt! 02:39:36 Debbie Pearson: Thank You for doing it and reaching out! 02:40:13 Paula Perkins: I appreciate TxSGS presenting the Leadership Forums Thanks! 02:40:15 Susan Kusterbeck: Thank you so much for this Forum. It was great. 02:42:28 Paula Perkins: Great idea Tony! 02:42:37 Barbara Phillips: Sorry! My internet went down and just got back on! 02:42:43 Isolda-Mimi Quintero-Central TX Genealogical Society: thank you 02:43:08 Emily Richardson: Thanks for everyone attending and being part of this great learning experience. 02:43:31 Isolda-Mimi Quintero-Central TX Genealogical Society: is there a way for re watching?