01:29:42 Breya Warnstaff-Dunshea: our organization only uses Facebook for now, but the Google website might be good 01:30:33 Breya Warnstaff-Dunshea: that part is like Dropbox 01:36:59 Kitty Olson: Our organization uses shared Google drive extensively for board documents. 01:37:02 David Land: Paula Perkins what is your society? I am with Mesquite Gen/Hist Soc 01:38:21 Tony Hanson: Paula is with the Collin County Gen Soc 01:38:35 David Land: Thanks 01:38:57 Tony Hanson: She is on via phone can cannot see the chats 01:49:47 Paula Perkins: Hello David Land! I can now see chat. 01:50:49 David Land: Hello PP 02:23:34 Breya Warnstaff-Dunshea: that was awesome 02:24:25 Paula Perkins: Excellent information David! 02:24:36 Lela Goar: That was indeed awesome! 02:24:39 Deanna Milton: Great presentation. Lots of food for thought. 02:26:12 Terry Turner: Thank you David!! An outstanding presentation! 02:35:33 Bernard Meisner: Years ago before the Internet, the Austin and San Antonio groups of another organization alternated meetings between south Austin and north San Antonio. 02:36:23 Kitty Olson: Our society in Houston has received several requests from local 55+ communities for presentation and training. 02:37:05 Emily Richardson: Kitty - I live in a community such as that and we have started our own genealogy club; over 90 members as of no and growing. 02:37:42 Kitty Olson: Replying to "Kitty - I live in a ..." Wow, great outreach! 02:39:34 Emily Richardson: Replying to "Kitty - I live in a ..." I wish I could be total responsible = started very small before I arrived 5 years ago; but it continues to grow and thrive. 02:40:22 Paula Perkins: I appreciate the forums! Thank you for all the information to help our societies succeed!