Course 3 – “Legally Texas: Advanced Legal Research in the Lone Star State”

TIGR 2023 Coordinator:  Judy G. Russell, CG®, CGLSM

Format: Virtual, pre-recorded, and live lectures. Daily, live Q&A.

Maximum registrants:  40

This course will offer an in-depth look at the unique legal history of Texas and its impact on researching in the Lone Star State. From the lingering effects of Spanish and Mexican civil law to the frontier rules of the Republic to the clashes with settlers from the old eastern common law states, knowing how to research Texas law and its application to records is essential. Sessions will explore the laws impacting Texas’s courts, land distributions, inheritance, family relations, and more, as well as the laws of slavery and Texas’s role in the Confederacy. Students will get assistance in finding law-related records held by the major repositories including the Texas State Library and Archives and the Texas General Land Office.

Judy G. Russell, CG®, CGL(SM), Coordinator
Teri Flack, MA, MBA
LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG®, CGL(SM), FASG

Schedule Course 3 –Legally Texas: Advanced Legal Research in the Lone Star State”

Start Time
(Central Time)
Topic Instructor
Monday, June 12, 2023
  9:30 AM Welcome Russell
10:00 AM Why Genealogists Study the Law Russell
11:30 AM Legally Texas: from Spain to the 21st Century Russell
12:45 PM LUNCH
  1:15 PM Lawmaking, Texas Style Flack
  2:45 PM The Structure of the Texas Courts Flack
  4:15 PM Texas Court Records – State & Federal Russell
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
  9:30 AM Homework Review Russell
10:00 AM TSLAC: An Overview of Holdings Flack
11:30 AM Supremely Texas: The Records of the Supreme Court Russell
12:45 PM LUNCH
  1:15 PM Bad Boys, Bad Girls: Criminal & Prison Records Russell
 2:45 PM Legislative Petitions – State & Federal Russell
 4:15 PM The Laws and Records of Enslavement Garrett-Nelson
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
  9:30 AM Homework Review Flack
10:00 AM Land Law, Texas Style Flack
11:30 AM TxGLO: An Overview of Holdings Flack
12:45 PM LUNCH
  1:15 PM TxGLO: Using Its Land Records Flack
  2:45 PM Tax Law, Texas Style Garrett-Nelson
  4:15 PM Texas’ Other Archival Treasurers Russell
Thursday, June 15, 2023
  9:30 AM Homework Review Garrett-Nelson
10:00 AM Inheritance & Probate, Texas Style Garrett-Nelson
11:30 AM Women’s Rights, Texas Style Garrett-Nelson
12:45 PM LUNCH
  1:15 PM Immigration & Naturalization, Texas Style Garrett-Nelson
  2:45 PM Finding the Law Online and Offline Russell
  4:15 PM Published Legal Resources: Digests and Case Reporters Russell
Friday, June 16, 2023
  9:30 AM Homework Review Flack
10:00 AM Case Study: C. P. Flack: Just a Plain, Simple Merchant Flack
11:30 AM Case Study: That Rascal George Russell

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